
Gelecek Yarışmada Buluşmak Üzere!

The International Young Talent Music Competition serves to discover and promote young musicians both with a desire of hobby or professional music education, and to give them the opportunity to exhibit their talents. The competition is a strong advocate of the importance of music education on an international platform. The competition is proud to honour teachers and institutions supporting and nourishing young talents.

The easy to access digital platform custom created for the competition, enables thriving musicians to receive recognition from a large audience, not ordinarily possible in conventional ways. The integration of public voting in the system, proved to be a big success in creating an international community of musicians and music supporters. To have your performance viewed by thousands is a great pride and motivation for any performer.

The website of the competition, www.ugy-istanbul.com has been visited by more than 160,000 people, viewed more than 600,000 times. The highest score out of 100 receives the Grand Prix Award. The highest score received by the top 3 competitors will be granted a performance opportunity at the closing ceremony. The competitor with the highest public vote, and the youngest competitor in each category will receive a surprise prize. The winners will be announced online. The top 3 winners, most voted competitor and the youngest competitor will have live performance opportunity at the awards ceremony.

The competition is open to all international young musicians, up to and including age 13.

2 categories for entry are available:

  • - Piano Solo or Piano Ensemble
  • - Individual or Ensemble for all other instruments and musical genres including Western, Eastern, Traditional or Folk.

The final date of entry is March 30, 2020. Refer to calendar for further details.

We welcome all global talents to come join the competition and invite all supporters of young talents to watch and cast their votes and be part of our music community.

Benal Tanrisever Simsek Ph.D, Founding Director

Eyüpsultan, Göktürk Merkez Mahallesi, Istanbul Caddesi No: 30-32 / İstanbul Tel:+90 212 270 8314
Her hakkı saklıdır. All rights reserved.